Faith, Friends, and Fun!
Our mission at LifeHouse Kids is to partner with you to lead children to Know God, Grow Together and Go Serve. We offer kids ministry for Infants - 5th grade every Sunday morning where they experience worship and God's word at their age level.
Safety and security is a high priority at LifeHouse. Our team members are prescreened prior to serving with kids, and every Sunday we utilize a secure check-in and check-out procedure. You can use the Check-In feature on the Church Center App for a simplified process. If you need assistance, please speak to one of our volunteers; we are happy to help!
Can't join us in person? Subscribe to and watch our weekly videos.
Sign up for our family newsletter here to keep updated on all things happening at LifeHouse Kids.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

Child Dedications
Child Dedication is a special ceremony where parents make a commitment to help their children find and follow Jesus. Our LifeHouse family makes a commitment to stand with parents and support them in this special and sacred journey.
As a Christian parent, by dedicating a child to the Lord, you are acknowledging your need for God in your family; inviting God to be active in your family life; and making a commitment to raise your child in God’s way.
We believe that your child is not only yours, but truly a gift from God. We are earthly stewards of the life God has placed in our home.
“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!” (Psalm 127:3-5).
Thank you for the opportunity to serve your family. Please continue reading for more information and sign up below.
We welcome any family to dedicate their child with us. We simply ask that the parents and family understand the reasons why we do this (see above) and are prepared to make the commitments to help their child grow in their faith.
Child dedication is usually geared for children birth to 5 years. If your children are older, you can still dedicate them. We are happy to serve your older children and teens!
At LifeHouse, we believe that water baptism is meant for a person who is old enough to believe in God and has the ability to publicly profess their faith in Jesus Christ.
We ask that parents and siblings stand up front; if you have witnesses/godparents who you would like to stand with you, that is fine, just let us know when we contact you. Single parents can ask a close friend or family member to stand with them, if they choose.
We encourage you to invite family and close friends to this service to share this moment with your family!
No. We are pleased to partner with your family in raising your children in a godly home.
After you submit your registration, you will be contacted by a LifeHouse team member 1-2 weeks before the scheduled child dedication. You may be asked to submit a digital photo of your child to display during the service. Your contact will confirm details with you and give you instructions for that day such as when and where to check-in.
On that morning, you will meet with your contact and sit in the assigned seating area with your family. During the service, you and the other families will be called to the front and the pastor will present and pray for the children.
After, your child will receive a certificate and a Bible. There will be opportunities for photographs after the service and you will receive information about the ways LifeHouse would like to partner with you in leading your child to Know God, Grow Together, and Go Serve.
We look forward to serving your family! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Parents and Family
Raising a child is no small feat. We're here to assist you as a parent, grandparent, or guardian. Explore Parent Cue, a Christian resource featuring articles, blogs, and discussions on navigating this vital role.
Prospective Volunteers
Are you interested in serving with LifeHouse Kids? We look forward to having you join us! Our first step in the process is to have you complete LifeHouse's Next Steps.
Next Steps